
today I was worrying about life. worrying about what’s next, about what the future holds, about what God wants us to do with our lives, about what I’m going to wear tomorrow… the list goes on and on. if you can think it up, I probably worried about it.

today I stumbled upon a blog with this header:

today I picked up a book that my brother gave Davey and read this:

True prayers are born of present trials and present needs. Bread, for today, is bread enough. Our payers need to be focused upon the present. We must trust God today and leave tomorrow entirely with him. The present is ours; the future belongs to God... {E.M. Bounds}

today I listened to a song called “rest in you”:

Your faithfullness endures always
Where mountains fall and reason fails
And You calm the raging seas
And You calm the storms in me, again

{I love how the last line says You calm the storms AGAIN. Thank you God for never tiring of calming my storms. it looks like hurricane season to me…}

All I know is I find rest in You
All I know is I find rest in You

My heart will praise throughout the night
Where singing seems a sacrifice
Your grace is all I need
Your grace is all I need

today I made this my google background:

I bet she’s not worrying. I mean, why would you worry when you’re walking through a beautiful field of endless yellow flowers? 

as I write, Davey is sitting at his computer doing his Bible reading homework. he just turned to me and said “Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares for you…” Oh… I just love that man so much.

Guess God doesn’t want me to worry about tomorrow, huh.


Birds don’t worry. That’s why I have a bunch of bird pictures on this post. To remind myself to be like a bird and not worry. I know that last one picture says Nordstrom on it, but I like the birds on it. Maybe that’s why those birds don’t worry… because they shop at Nordstrom. The birds that live in my parents yard are lucky… they always have seeds and nuts to eat because my dad fills up the bird feeder. I’ve never been crazy about seeing them pecking on the window though. It’s as if they’re asking for more. But isn’t that what I do? God provides for me and yet I never seem content. We went to church last night and the pastor told us a story of his friend who fed her kids birthday cake for breakfast. While her son was eating, he asked “If I finish all my cake, can I have a treat later?” We’re never satisfied. So, today I think I’ll remember I’m more valuable than a bird and that God will provide for all my needs. Today I’ll enjoy my cake without worrying if I’ll get a treat later.


This was the background to the song lyrics at church on Sunday. I leaned over to Davey and said “I feel like this tree right now. Like I’m bare and enduring a cold winter.” I’ll forewarn you, this is not one of my ‘life-is-great-look-at-our-adventures’ type post. Honestly, life is hard right now. There’s not one huge thing that’s making life hard, but a billion little things, which add up to one long, cold winter. Oh, you know, the usual, stress at work, bills, bills and more bills, planning to do missions, raising support, car repairs, being far from family, and a pending termite treatment  to our apartment that will require us to move all the furniture 16″ from all walls and remove everything out of our garage. Our garage is so full that hopefully when we open the door, all the stuff will just fall out… along with the termites. Life is life. And, like the actual season, I am enduring my own “winter” where nothing makes sense and I have no choice but to trust God and look forward for spring. To quote the song, “Every Season”:

“Even now in death, you open doors for life to enter…”

There are things in my life that seem to be dying. Chapters are closing. Sacrifices are being made. I’m trusting that God is working behind the scenes in ways we can’t see right now. It’s a hard place to be in.  I’ll summarize this by telling you that I don’t have a ‘moral to the story’, or an epiphany, or a ‘what I learned paragraph’ because I’m right in the midst of it right now. I don’t usually write  a blog post from where there at, I’m more the reflective type. But today I needed to be raw. That too, like winter, won’t last forever 🙂

p.s. I read this on another blog today and had to share. It’s from Linda Dillow’s book “Calm My Anxious Heart” (and boy does my anxious heart need some calm!)

1. Never allow yourself to complain about anything, not even the weather.

2. Never picture yourself in any other circumstance or place.

3. Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise.

4. Never compare yourself with others or their lots.

5. Never dwell on tomorrow, for it is God’s and not ours

random thoughts

This is the wrapper to my Dove chocolate:

It says: stop worrying. Really. Stop it. It’s bad for you.

Good advice, huh?!

I love this kitchen.

I wish these were from our garden, but my parents have a million tomatoes. Can’t wait to come home this weekend and eat some!!!!