rainy graduation

It’s great to be home! Of course I miss my wonderful husband, but there’s nothing like NEW JERSEY and family and dunkin donuts!!!

We’ve been busy with Jordan’s awards ceremony, nursing pinning and graduation! He’s quite the scholar! We’re so proud of him and can’t wait till he passes is NCLEX!!!! YAY Jordan!!!

Here he is getting his nursing pin! Jonathan drove home from college and walked in at the exact moment they called Jordan’s name!!! It was perfect!!!

He’s also dating my best friend’s sister…(they met at our wedding! yay!)

It seems to rain for every single important occasion in our family. It rained for my college graduation, Jake’s college graduation, our wedding and I guess Jordan didn’t want to be left out… it rained today too! They say rain is good luck…

I guess a lot of people were in denial that rain was in the forecast because lots of girls heels were getting stuck in the mud and everyone ran under the overhang when it started pouring.  But we were prepared (recognize our wedding umbrella?!) and watched this all happen from inside and under our umbrellas.

Jake, Mandy, Jonny and I braved the rain to listen to the ceremony and my parents came out to cheer Jordan as he got his diploma. Jordan was pretty excited… he slowed the line and the lady on the right yelled at him. haha

We made some great signs… pretty much the best out of anyone. We also cheered the loudest! Go Jordan! It took us a few tries to get organized…

But we figured it out!

My dad was remembering my graduation ceremony and said, “how many years ago was that? 15?” Maybe not FIFTEEN, but it seems like it could be! (it was only FOUR!) Time sure flies!

Always Forever- Our wedding!!!

check out our website

June 20th was a warm, rainy day in Hawthorne, New Jersey… but that didn’t stop us from having the BEST day of our lives!!! It was an incredible day and the rain made it memorable and romantic, and we also got some great umbrella pictures! Check out some of our favorites from our talented photographer, Andres  http://www.andresvalenzuela.com check out this site for the slideshow and for more info on Andres!) Thanks to everyone who helped make our day so fantastic!!! We love you all and are so blessed to have each of you in our lives!