this and that

Here’s a smattering of pictures for your viewing pleasure:

my strong man

our "bed" at buffalo village

colorful fishing boats

burgers on the beach on our day off


beauty amidst the dirty streets

keeping breakfast away from ants

on the balcony

delicious sour sop and grass jelly juice

not sure what we're about to eat

noodles. {and other "things"}

tuk tuk's-- our typical transportation

Phally- our local guide/friend who can do anything and everything. He drives us around, translates for us, gets us good deals when we go shopping, teaches us Khumer language, takes us out for ice cream just to name a few. He's amazing

Merry Christmas all year long!

enjoying an evening off at the beach

a little boy in the village's sling shot and rock pouch. He told us he aims for the buffalo

family life

I love rhambuton fruit!

swirly tree

our favorite girl at fisherman's village striking a pose. she has the most hysterical personality!

a tasty prayer of thanks

Today I stumbled upon a treasure. A cookbook that my friend Krista gave me at our wedding. It’s called Simply in Season and it’s brimming with mouth watering, creative and simple recipes. My hope is that I can learn more from its more profound lesson of being satisfied with what is present….instead of constantly demanding something shipped half way around the world.  If that means eating LOADS of butternut squash, kale and apples now, and then going without as the season wanes, who is to say I should be any less satisfied?

Autumn. Time slows. The days are shorter now. The warmth of the sun begins to lessen as the leaves change color. The garden which in summer overflowed, is now fading. Life in its many forms slows down. Autumn invites us to slow down too.

Delicious Creator God,

I taste your glory in the tangy crunch of a crisp apple. I taste your glory in the salty tears of emotion. I taste your glory in cool, clear, life giving water. I taste your glory in the heavy sweetness of dark chocolate.

Your glory flavors the early peas and new lettuce of spring, the tomatoes and herbs of my backyard, the mealy goodness of new potatoes and butternut squash, it seeps in my tea and bakes in my peach cobbler. For the nibbles and the feasts of your glory and for my taste buds, I give you thanks.

this and that

Here’s an amalgamation (my new favorite word) of a few cool pictures I’ve taken in the past few days…

Look close. Its a DOUBLE RAINBOW! What does this mean?!

Davey taught me a drum beat… I cannot, for the life of me, keep the rhythm.

a delicious cafe that we love… I had a yummy pumpkin muffin today… mmmm!

Stay tuned to see some faced carved in those pumpkins!

I LOVE the fall in California because there are actually clouds in the sky. In fact, today it’s raining! This is the incredible sunset the other night. The air was completely still. It was crazy… the calm before the storm.

another sky picture. I love how the light streams through the clouds.