A visual day in the life…

Our days have been so packed full that it’s been hard to find time to blog! So, I woke up early to post a quick video.

I’ll write more details and show more pictures from the week over the next few days, but for now, hope you enjoy this video. Warning: it’s really long… 9 minutes. But our mothers wanted to see where we are so we decided to take the video camera with us for the day. Hope you’re not too bored or that you get a headache from me moving the camera too fast at some parts. 

p.s. We got jobs in the garden, as you will see on the video! More on that in another post!

I can do anything great!

The days after vacation always require a little more effort than normal to get ourselves moving and motivated. check out this video of the cutest little girl… and how about that… her name is Jessica! A little bit of daily affirmation in the mirror and we’re ready to work hard… until our next vacation!!!!